(長沙理工大學電氣工程與信息學院,湖南 長沙 410077)
中圖分類號:TM933.4 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-4984(2006)02-0011-04
Theory and technology of reactive energy measurement and their development
LIU Gui-ying,SU Shi-ping
(School of Electric Engineering and Information,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410077,China)
Abstract:Along with the progress of measuring techniques and increase in the management levels of power systems, the theories and techniques foe reactive energy measurement have a great development.On the one hand, some new reactive energy measurement theories are presented according to
characteristic changes of power systems. On the other hand, many advanced reactive energy measure techniques are developed with the progress of micro-electronic technologies. In this paper, after the sinusoidal reactive power theory and the sinusoidal reactive energy measuring techniques are expatiated, an emphasis was given upon the investigation of non-sinusoidal reactive power theories and nonsinusoidal reactive energy measuring techniques. Finally, the developments of reactive power theories and reactive energy measuring techniques are discussed.
Key words:Reactive power;Reactive energy;Measurement;Theory;Phase-shift method;Transformation method